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Aoife holds accreditation with the Law Society Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme as a Trainee Caseworker (Level 1).

Aoife Greenberg is an accredited Trainee Caseworker and part of the Immigration team at Batley Law. Aoife has spent a lot of her time working directly with asylum seekers and refugees in the UK, Ireland and Calais, with experience ranging from direct humanitarian aid, to youth work, to language support.

Originally joining Batley Law as a volunteer, Aoife is now a hard-working, passionate and considerate caseworker who is dedicated to ensuring a compassionate service and the best outcome possible for her clients.


After moving from Ireland to Leeds for university, I got involved volunteering with different charities that work to support refugees and asylum seekers such as Student Action for Refugees, SolidariTee and Leeds Refugee Forum. Through this experience, I learned much more about the serious challenges faced by people experiencing forced migration and the importance of assuring a just, welcoming and compassionate asylum system. This catalysed my interest in and passion for working within the sphere of migration.

I spent the last two summers of my time at university volunteering with Care4Calais to support those experiencing displacement in Calais, and also worked as a Youth Worker within the North West Migrants Forum in Derry, Ireland.
Not only were my eyes opened to the severity of the situation caused by hostile immigration policies through these experiences, but I also was introduced to a wealth of different cultures and communities which has been a hugely enriching privilege for me.

After graduating from the Univerity of Leeds with first class honours, I began volunteering wih Batley Law in the hopes that I could learn more about the legal side of the migration experience. This has now led me to working within the Batley Law team as a trainee assistant caseworker where I can support people through their immigration journeys toward a secure and settled position in the UK.

More about Aoife

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The Law Society - Immigration & Asylum

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